ファミーユ・ヒューゲル リースリング シェルハマー [2012]750ml 箱入り (白ワイン)

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Famille Hugel / ファミーユ・ヒューゲル







「リースリング シェルハマー」は、ヒューゲル家の所有する有名なシェルハマーという区画のブドウから造られています。リクヴィールの最良の斜面で歴史的にも名高い特級畑シュナンブールの中心に位置しており、素晴らしい熟成の可能性を秘めています。2007年よりこの特別な区画のブドウを伝統的な手法で醸造し、単独で瓶詰めすることに決めました。土壌は三畳紀の粘土泥灰質で、有機栽培によってその豊かな土壌の複雑性がワインに表れています。



Famille Hugel Riesling Schoelhammer
ファミーユ・ヒューゲル リースリング シェルハマー
生産地:フランス アルザス
ぶどう品種:リースリング 100%
味わい:白ワイン 辛口

ジェームス・サックリング:98 ポイント
FAMILLE HUGEL RIESLING ALSACE SCHOELHAMMER 2012 Monday July 4 2022 CountryFrance RegionAlsace Vintage2012 Score 98
The nose of this magnificent dry riesling is like a huge basket filled with all manner of yellow fruit but there are also notes of jasmine oolong tea and acacia blossom. Then comes the super-elegant palate the wine moving like a prima ballerina leaping effortlessly from one side of the stage to the other. Very racy and super-mineral finish that's diamond bright. Drinkable now but best from 2025.

vinous:96 ポイント
96 Drinking Window 2030 - 2060 From: Alsace 2020s and 2021s: Just like Janus (Apr 2023)
The 2012 Riesling Schoelhammer is from a separate parcel in the center of the Schoenenbourg Grand Cru. Planted in 1992 it has been bottled separately since 2007. This was the vineyard where the Hugels began their organic farming experiment as early as 2006. Compared to its 2012 Grossi Laue counterpart this is still tight and taut showing some smokiness alongside the dried lemon peel but still very shy on the nose. This will be released in March 2023 after ten years of bottle age - and it is still shy. More air gives a hint of waxiness of more lemon zest candied and dried. The palate is smooth rounded almost viscous and concentrated. This is taut and lemon-focused - and where its Grossi Laue counterpart is serene this is lemon-focused and has such pithiness. (Dry) - By Anne Krebiehl MW on January 2023

Hugel is synonymous with Alsace. It’s one of the region’s most recognized labels with worldwide distribution. The domaine was founded in 1639 and is located in a historic half-timbered house in the center of Riquewihr. As commercial director Jean-Frederic Hugel reports change has been afoot. Annual production has been curbed to 750 000 bottles down from around 1.5 million bottles. “We have reduced the percentage of bought grapes and the idea is to do less but better ” Hugel says. “With a stronger emphasis on our estate.” Hugel - the 13th generation at the helm - also announces that the estate has been in conversion to organic farming since September 2022. Famille Hugel owns 29 hectares/72 acres of vineyard and vinifies grapes from an additional 65 hectares. The bought grapes are for their ‘Classic’ line. After holding out for years Famille Hugel will finally use the term grand cru on labels. They are the last domaine to do so. In fairness the intention was evident as they used the dialect term “Grossi Laue ” or grand cru in Alsatian for several years for their top wines from Schoenenbourg and Sporen Grand Crus - but also the non-classified lieu-dit Pflostig. Labeling with the term grand cru will kick off in 2024 with the release of the 2015 vintage. The entire portfolio has improved from the downward shift in volume with the Classic range representing clean-cut bright and fruity wines for everyday drinking at a great value. The late release of the top wines definitely benefits them. The Pinot Noirs have a savory earthy bent but when it comes to Riesling Hugel is an absolute top player. The same is true for the exceptional sweet wines.

ワインアドヴォケイト:94 ポイント
The Wine Advocate RP 94 Reviewed by: Stephan Reinhardt Release Price: NA Drink Date: 2023 - 2045
From the heart of the Schoenenbourg the 2012 Riesling Schoelhammer is beautifully clear fresh bright and herbal on the nose that reveals thyme and minty notes intertwined with lemony aromas and notes of finely crushed stones. On the palate this is a rich concentrated and complex but elegant and persistently salty Riesling with fine tannins and a long intense textured and slightly drying finish. Racked from the gross lees in March and bottled in August 2013 it's to be released in 2023. 12.4% alcohol. Diam cork. Tasted at the domaine in April 2022.

2021 was a difficult vintage with only 50% of the normal crop due to mildew but the quality was good. It was disastrous in the south but better in the north. There is high acid and good concentration and it was a long growing season like 2010. In 2021 it was mildew problems whereas in 2010 it was colure. The first-level wines won't be great because they were picked early and Pinot Noir was challenging. Published: Mar 10 2023

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